Helicopters, planes and UAVs for aerial surveillance are used for a range of activities, from “eye in the sky” surveillance, to infrastructure monitoring, tactical communications, Search & Rescue missions, and more. A key need is often the collection and communication of visual information (photo, video). Operations may happen in areas without good terrestrial broadband, in which case satcom is required.
However, the networks for aero communications via satcom are not always fast and can carry a high cost of usage.
AnsuR offers two solutions for UAV / aero, to increase operational efficiency in the collection, sending and sharing of visual information.

UAV-ASIGN is part of the ASIGN software suite and optimized for the capture and transfer of photos and videos from small drones while in-flight. UAV-ASIGN can interface to DJI drones but also works with other small UAVs which use a smartphone in their control station. Photos and videos collected with UAV-ASIGN arrive swiftly and despite low bandwidth at the ASIGN Server.

ASMIRA is for larger LALE / MALE UAVs, planes and helicopters. The ASMIRA software can stream live video or send photos and video through virtually any available network, even if bandwidth is severely constrained. The software enables streaming of video real-time with data rates as low as 100 kbps. ASMIRA is the software of choice to enable communication through satcom terminals.
AnsuR's UAV and Aerial Vehicle compatible solutions for real-time visual communication:

ASMIRA enables remote real-time data collection and communication anywhere, anytime. By enabling image and video streaming, greater range, real-time flight control and an expanded payload, ASMIRA delivers invaluable enhancements to an already indispensable piece of tactical hardware. Read more »

Smaller drones can be effectively piloted to inspect infrastructure or assets from all the necessary angles safely, faster and cheaper, without having to displace an individual. The expert assessing the structure does not even have to be present at the location, as the images can be assessed in real-time from a remote location, allowing the expert to also guide the pilot in their assessment. Read more »